Changes in English demographic rates
Death and birth rates in Britain
Employment in agriculture in Britain in 1851 and 1911
Employment in manufacturing in Britain in 1851 and 1911
Employment in services in Britain in 1851 and 1911
English city population ranking, 1600-1851
English Population totals, 1681-1841
Female employment in nine Northern British counties in 1851
International migration to and from British ports
Long term tends in English Birth intervals
Male employment in nine Northern British counties in 1851
Mean age of marriage in England, 1680-9 to 1830-37
Men employed in ‘traditional’ and ‘modern’ industries
Migration in Britain in 1851 and 1911
Population age structure in Britain in 1851
Population age structure in Britain in 1911
Population Growth in Britain 1801-1911
Population Growth in England and Wales
Urban growth in England, France and the Netherlands, 1600-1850