Economic and Social Thought


Adam Smith on Colonies, 1776

Thomas Robert Malthus on population, 1798

David Ricardo, The Principles of Political Economy, 1817

John Aikin on the Benefits and Costs of the Lancanshire Textile Factories, 1795

Robert Owen on the Benefits of the Enlightened Management of Workers, 1813

Robert Owen on the social and moral implications of the factory system, 1815

Robert Owen, A New View of The Society, 1813-14

Robert Southey, Sir Thomas More- or Colloquies on the Progress and Prospects of Society, 1829

B. Macaulay, Robert Southey’s Colloquies on Society, 1830

G. R. Porter on the Progress of the Nation in Manufacturing and the Utility of the Free Exportation of Machinery, 1836

Nassau Senior’s opposition to Factory Regulation, 1837

Michael Sadler, The Factory Girl’s Last Day. 1832

John Jones, “The Cotton Mill,” 1821

John Francis Bray, Labour’s Wrongs and Labour’s Remedy, 1839

Frances Trollope’s Novel about a Factory Boy, 1840

Frederick Engels on the Domestic Textile Industry and Its Industrialization, 1845

Charles Babbage on Machinery and Employment, 1846

Ernest Jones, “The Factory Town,” 1847

T. B. Macaulay’s support of Factory Regulation, 1846

Samuel Smiles on the virtue of Self-Help, 1859