Report from the Select Committee on the Education of the Lower Orders, 1818
Henry Brougham on the Mechanics Institutes, 1825
The Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, 1829
William Cotton on the work of the National Society in popular education, 1834
Report of the Select Committee on the Education of the Poorer Classes,1837-1838
Education under the Factory Act- reports of inspectors of factories. 1839
Endowed Schools and Popular Education, Select Committee on Charities, 1835
The Creation of a Committee of Council for Education, 1839
Instructions to school inspectors, Council of Education, 1840
Sir James Graham’s speech announcing his education proposals for his Factory Bill,1843
Edward Baines, The Social Educational and Religious State of the Manufacturing Districts, 1843
Joseph Lawson, The Education of The People, 1887
The Newcastle Report on popular education ,1861
W. E. Forster’s speech on the motion for leave to introduce the Education Bill,1870